18 October 2005


Irate parents hit terror principal

UMINGAN –Twenty-eight pupils of an elementary school in a remote barangay here accompanied by their parents, went to the police station Thursday to denounce their maltreatment in the hands of the school principal inside their classroom the day before.

Chief of police Eddie Granil said the pupils and their parents complained to the police against the terror tactics of Jose Arata, principal, 58, of Bantog Elementary School who allegedly whipped them with a slit of bamboo and slapped some of them with their own books in the presence of their teachers.

The principal, according to them, was enraged at the pupils, boys and girls, from Grades V. IV, III and II when they failed to put clips in their books.

Bantog barangay captain Wilfredo Badua accompanied his complaining barangaymates who wanted to file criminal cases for child abuse and an administrative case before the Department of Education against the school official.

The Parent Teachers Community Association headed by Antonio Biano also stood by the complaints of the pupils and their parents.

All the 28 children were brought to the Umingan Community Hospital where doctors found them suffering hematoma or bruises in their shoulders and faces as a result of beatings.

Some of the maltreated pupils were identified as Hansel Pangangaan, 10; Wilfred Pasamec, 10; Leah Marie Campos, 10; Jovelyn Ebreu, 11; Neal Patrick Valdez, 11; Noemi Abalos, 11; Glen Tuvera, 11; Marie Joy Libantino, Janette Macabio, 11; Jovita Navalta, 10;Jenelyn Casio, 10;Maricel Soriano, 10; Renito Gorospe, 11; Erica Jasmin, 11; Kimberly Repinta, 10; Cheryl Libid, 10; Lyndon Casio, 12; and Gino Sobremonte, all in Grade V.

The Grade II pupils were Natalia Sobremonte, 9; Lolyn Casio, 8, Ryan Justine Campos, 7; and Jonel Ebreu, 10 (PNA)
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